The Mushkegowuk Council is inviting proposals from experienced, motivated individuals interested in a contract as Chief Electoral Officer. The upcoming by-election for the position of Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief(s) are tentatively scheduled for August 25, 2023.

The duration of the contract will last until the completion of the election process, including the protest/appeal period.

Criteria for Chief Electoral Officer Position

  • Seek, select and supervise the Deputy Electoral Officers from each of the Mushkegowuk communities and urban areas;
  • Advertise for, and receive nominations for the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief positions;
  • Confirm the willingness of all candidates to stand for office;
  • Coordinate and verify a voter’s list with each Mushkegowuk community’s Deputy Electoral Officer;
  • Coordinate the arrangements for polling stations, ensure the location, dates and times of voting are advertised and well communicated; polling stations must include each Mushkegowuk First Nation as well as Sault St. Marie, Moosonee, Timmins, Cochrane and Kapuskasing.
  • Plan, direct and coordinate the voting process as per approved Election procedure;
  • Communicate and post notices with time frames for the elections process;
  • Responsible for the preparation and ensure availability of the required forms for nominations and ballots;
  • Receive and verify all nominations by contacting all movers and seconders and making any other enquiries as deemed necessary for verify eligibility of candidates as per Election Procedures;
  • Confirm the acceptance or declination of all eligible candidate nominated;
  • Upon closing of the nominations, prepare and circulate a list of all confirmed candidates running for the position;
  • Deal with all matters arising during the course of the campaign period and make any necessary rulings as per the Mushkegowuk Election Code;
  • Investigate all complaints and protests that may arise;
  • Oversee and coordinate the voting process, including the counting process;
  • Conduct recounts as deemed necessary;
  • Carry out the above in accordance with the Mushkegowuk Election Code 2015. There may be amendments to the Election Code passed by the Mushkegowuk Special Assembly in May, including the addition of a second Deputy Grand Chief. If the amendments are ratified they will need to be implemented for the election.


CostsProposals to include all costs, including service costs for Deputy Electoral Officers associated to carry out the above noted responsibilities.

Please submit your proposal including three (3) references marked “Confidential” no later than May 02, 2023 at 4:00 pm address to:

Greg Rickard

human resources Director of Human

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