Grand Chief
- Ernest BECK
Nominator: Martha Sutherland
Seconder: Donna Moore - Walter Leo FRIDAY
Nominator: Gaius Wesley
Seconder: William Small - Alison LINKLATER
Nominator: Sylvia Koostachin-Metatawabin
Seconder: Bruce Archibald - Richard WABANO
Nominator: Theresa Sutherland
Seconder: Celine Sutherland
Deputy Grand Chief North
- Rebecca FRIDAY
Nominator: Elizabeth Gunner
Seconder: Florence Morrison - Charlotte NAKOOCHEE
Nominator: Pamela Knapaysweet
Seconder: Helen Knapaysweet - Sylvina RICKARD
Nominator: Irene Tomatuk
Seconder: Heather Moore - Amos WESLEY
Nominator: Hosea Wesley
Seconder: Peter Lazarus
Deputy Grand Chief South
- Jutta HORN
Nominator: Shirley Horn
Seconder: Brittany Wiebe - Natasha MARTIN
Nominator: Marjorie Lee
Seconder: Dawn Corston
Conclusion of Nominations
The unofficial results of the General Election nomination process are as follows:
- A total of four (4) nominations were received for the Office of Grand Chief.
- A total of four (4) nominations were received for the Office of the Deputy Grand Chief-North.
- A total of two (2) nominations were received for the Office of the Deputy Grand Chief-South.
Nominations were received from June 11 to July 11, 2023.
An “OFFICIAL” nomination report will be posted once the verification process is complete.
Download PDF of this notice here.
Sherry A. Davey
Former Chief Electoral