Will act and serve as a REPRESENTATIVE of MUSHKEGOWUK Council. The Board of Director will provide advice and support on all matters pertaining to the service and delivery of policing in the Mushkegowuk Communities of Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany, Moose Cree, Taykwa Tagamou, Chapleau and Missanabie. He or she will be required to attend and participate in Nishnawbe Aski Police Service Board Meetings and may be subject to participate in other related meetings. Applications will be accepted until: April 26, 2024
- Subject to re-election or reappointment, a director’s term of office is three (3) years. Directors may serve up to three consecutive terms. A Director who has served three consecutive terms may be re-elected or re-appointed, one year after he/she has completed their term.
- Shall be a natural person at least eighteen (18) years of age.
- Shall be a member of a First Nation which is a member of NAPS.
- Shall not be an undischarged bankrupt, or a mentally incompetent person.
- Shall not be convicted of a criminal offence, for which he/she is not eligible for a pardon.
- Shall not be concurrently employed as a police officer or First Nations constable.
- Must not be a current employee of NAPS.
- Submit letter of interest with current criminal record check (CPIC) Application closing date: 4:00 PM, April 26th, 2024
Submit application by email to:
Vern Cheechoo
Chief Executive Officerverncheechoo@mushkegowuk.ca