Resolution Number: 1988-08-03School Accommodation - Sinclair Island
1988-08-03 EXCERPT:




Chief Peter Archibald

New Post Band

Chief Reg Louttit

Attawapiskat Band


WHEREAS we never surrendered our land or our Aboriginal Rights, including the right to control education;

AND WHEREAS we entered into a sacred oral treaty of peace and friendship, the agreement known as Treaty No. 9, with the Crown in 1905 and 1929, which has not been recognized and honoured by the Crown;

AND WHEREAS the government of Canada has a special fiduciary and treaty obligation to provide our First Nations with school accommodations, teachers and programs comparable to those which other Canadians take for granted;

AND WHEREAS the Fort Albany First Nation residing on Sinclair Island has been without school accommodations for over four weeks since February 8 when the Department of Indian Affairs closed its school;

AND WHEREAS it is now almost two weeks since the Fort Albany First Nation approved immediate temporary renovations to the West wing of Ste. Anne's School in order to provide safe schooling for its children for the rest of this school year;

AND WHEREAS the Fort Albany First Nation wishes to see temporary school accommodation on Sinclair Island for the 1988-89 school year and permanent facilities before 1992;

page 2 Resolution No. 1988-66 Mushkegowuk Council continued

Certified copy of a Resolution adopted on: March 10, 1988

ANO WHEREAS the Department's officials are not acting quickly enough to implement immediate and long-term solutions which are acceptable to the Fort Albany First Nation on Sinclair Island;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chiefs, Councillors and Elders convened at this Special Assembly totally support the position of the Fort Albany First Nation and call upon the Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Indian Affairs, Labour Canada and Public Works Canada to immediately take steps so that all children from Sinclair Island are able to attend school in Fort Albany within ten calendar days, and;

FURTHER, that extra compensating classes be provided to make up for the weeks of lost school time since February 8, and;

FURTHER that the school year calendar be modified so that children from Sinclair Island do not miss school during spring break-up, and;

FURTHER that the Board of Directors and staff of the Mushkegowuk Council take whatever steps are necessary if satisfactory action is not taken by the Prime Minister and the above Ministers within ten calendar days, and;

FURTHER that a progress report on the provision of temporary and long-term educational facilities for the residents of Sinclair Island be submitted to the next Grand Assembly of the Omushkegowuk Nation.