Resolution Number: 1991-08-14Appointment Of Chairperson
1991-08-14 EXCERPT:



Chief Ignace Gull

Attawapiskat First Nation

WHEREAS this Assembly has reviewed the Constitution of the Mushkegowuk Council and decided that in future the Chairperson of the Council is to be appointed by the Board of Directors rather than elected by Assembly;

Chief Abraham Hunter Weenusk First Nation

AND WHEREAS this decision requires that amendments to the Constitution of the Mushkegowuk Council be made;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following articles of By-Law No. 1 be amended as follows to allow for the appointment of the Chairperson by the Board of Directors:

(a) The Chairperson shall be appointed for a three year term by resolution of the Board of Directors. The Chairperson shall be appointed by consensus or, failing a consensus, by majority vote of the directors present at the meeting.

(b) Where there is a vacancy in the position of Chairperson, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim Chairperson to hold office until such time as the Board appoints a Chairperson for the three year term.


page 2 Resolution No. 1991-14 Appointment of Chairperson continued

A person is eligible for appointment as Chairperson if:

the person is a member of a Band;

makes eve,y reasonable effort upon being appointed to reside at the location of the head office during his/her term of office; and

registers his/her name, and the names of his/her nominator and seconder, both of whom must be citizens of any member First Nation,· at his/her Band office and with the Mushkegowuk Council no later than thirty days before the Directors' meeting at which the appointment of the Chairperson is scheduled to take place.

Before the appointment of the Chairperson, the Board of Directors may permit but need not permit the candidates to address the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall appoint a Co­Chairperson for each Assembly lo assist the Chairperson in presiding at the Assembly.

New Post Reserve

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT By-Law No.1 be amended by adding the following article:

"Written notice shall be given to all members indicating the date of the Directors' meeting at which time the appointment of a Chairperson will be considered Such notice shall be given at least 60 days prior to the meeting. The board of Directors may adjourn the meeting to a later date and no further notice need be given. "