Resolution Number: 1997-08-14Pooling Of Housing Capital Funds
1997-08-14 EXCERPT:


RESOLUTION NO. 1997-08-14

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Chieflgnace Gull

Attawapiskat First Nation

Chief Ernest Beck

Moose Cree First Nation


Certified copy of a Resolution passed on August 27, 1997

August 27, 1997'

New Post Reserve


WHEREAS lack of adequate housing is a critical issue in all Mushkegowuk communities, and Mushkegowuk members presently live in housing which would be considered unacceptable and intolerable by other Canadians; and

WHEREAS the present amounts of housing funding available from the federal and provincial governments are grossly inadequate to meet basic human housing needs, and fall far short of their obligations under the Treaty and their obligations to First Nation members as citizens; and

WHEREAS there is the possibility that • ifMushkegowuk First Nations combine their housing capital allocations and requests, there may be benefits from better use of the funds and from combining knowledge, skills, and influence, and the possibility of increasing the total amount of housing funds available; and

WHEREAS increased housing funding to Mushkegowuk First Nations would bring increased economic development

both to the First Nations communities and to non-native northern communities by creating jobs and creating demand for materials, equipment and services;;

TI-IEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Chiefs in Assembly direct the Grand Chief and Mushkegowuk staff to coordinate examination of the concept of pooling of First Nation housing capital funds, including

Different ways and options by which it could be implemented;

The costs and benefits and advantages and disadvantages to member First Nations;

The benefits for northern econotn1c development; and

The possibility of a Mushkegowuk Regional Housing Authority to administer housing capital funds and other aspects of Mushkegowuk housing.