Resolution Number: 2000-08-16Winter Road Checkpoints
2000-08-16 EXCERPT:


RESOLUTION NO. 2000-08-16

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Chief Ignace Gull Attawapiskat First Nation

Chief Leo Friday

Kashechewan First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation


Certified copy of a Resolution passed on August 31, 2000

Missanabie Cree First Nation


WHEREAS the winter road from Moosonee/Moose Factory to northern Mushkegowuk coastal communities is relatively unmonitored, m tem1s of tracking the number and types of vehicle trips, and in te1ms of protecting the safety of users by keeping track of users entering the road and by providing weather and other infom1ation to users; and

WHEREAS operating checkpoints on the winter road just north of Moosonee/Moose Factory and north of Kashechewan would allow better monitoring of the winter road; and

WHEREAS AKA Corporation and Moosonee Transportation Limited have discussed the feasibility of creating winter road checkpoints with funding from MTL and the possible assistance of Pasico Development Corporation;

WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk communities would have greater control over the winter road if fmmal Land Use pem1its were obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources; and

August 31, 2000

Kashechewan, Ontario

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mush.kegowuk Assembly supports the concept of winter road checkpoints, based on possible funding from MTL and other funding sources to assist in the

monitoring and safety of the winter road, and supports the further investigation of possibly obtaining Land Use permits for the road from MNR to give Mushkegowuk further control over the winter road.