Resolution Number: 2002-09-21Weeneebayko Health Ahtuskaywin Health Services
2002-09-21 EXCERPT:


RESOLUTION NO. 2002-09-21

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany

First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Chief Norm Hardisty Jr. Moose Cree First Nation

Chief Theresa Hall

Attawapiskat First Nation


Certified copy of a Resolution passed on September 12, 2002

September 12, 2002

Missanabie, Ontario


WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk Council incorporated the Weeneebayko Health Ahtuskaywin (WHA) in October of 1993, to provide a mandate to preserve and enhance the health services in the region, and;

WHEREAS the WHA is comprised of ten communities of the Mushkegowuk Territory, Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany, Moose Cree, Taykwa Tagamou (formerly New Post), Chaplean and Missanabie, Moosonee and Mocreebec, and;

WHEREAS the WHA in April 1st, 1996, entered into a five year administrative transfer agreement with First Nation & Inuit Health Branch, (fom1erly Medical Services Branch), and;

WHEREAS the WHA entered into a regional health planning process to determine the health care needs and resources that are currently in place in the region, and have identified the necessary health care requirements of each community, and;

WHEREAS in June 1999, the WHA and the Mushkegowuk First Nations approved at the Regional Health Forum, resolution #13 and resolution #14, providing the WHA authority to proceed with the Regional Health and its recommendations for the regional health process, and amalgamation of health services in the region, and to provide health facilities

in Kashechewan and Peawanuck, and;

WHEREAS the Chiefs of the Mushkegowuk Council have approved the following motion at a Corporate Members meeting:

Motion moved by Chief Norm Hardisty Jr., seconded by Chief Theresa Hall that the following was unanimously passed by the Chiefs of the Mushkegowuk region present at the Chiefs meeting on Health, this date of 21st day of March, 2002:

That the Political Leadership/Members set the stage for negotiating all the Regional Health requirements of the Region with the involvement of both the Province and Federal Government.

That the WHA Chief Executive Officer and Executive in conjunction with its Corporate members take the lead in advancing this initiative which will include but not be limited to the following:

Negotiating the necessary support and development of the WHA in the human resource requirements, administrative support, capital requirements and the community services and program development needs.

That negotiations begin foremost with the replacement of the existing hospital.

That negotiations necessary to meet the Weeneebayko General Hospital requirements be addressed, these would include the capital requirements to meet code as well as operational and service demands.

Negotiate the amalgamation of the Weeneebayko General Hospital and the James

Resolution No. 2002-09-21, Page 3

Bay General Hospital including all services and programs associated to these services.

That the transfer of the current Mental Health Program be transferred to the WHA and that the necessary funds to provide regional services be negotiated.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Chiefs and delegates in Assembly fully support the motion as noted, and direct the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief to act upon the Chiefs' motion on Health Services.