Resolution Number: 2002-09-30Regional Cultural Healing Youth Camp
2002-09-30 EXCERPT:

Attawapiskat First Nation

First Nation

Fort Albany

First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post

First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation


Miranda Carey, Delegate Moose Cree First Nation

Amos Wesley, Delegate Kashechewan First Nation


Certified copy of a Resolution passed on September 12, 2002

September 12, 2002

Missanabie, Ontario

RESOLUTION NO. 2002-09-30


WHEREAS the youth of the Mushkegowuk Territory are experiencing many problems as evidenced by the incidence of alcohol, drug and solvent abuse, youth suicide, crimes and vandalism and high academic drop-out rates, and;

WHEREAS these symptoms result from depression and anger arising from child abuse, low self esteem, lack of cultural identity, loss of language, and the multi-generational trauma and grief arising from the residential school era and the effects of colonization, and;

WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk Chiefs in Assembly recognizes the healing power of our culture, traditional pursuits and land and the need for our youth to learn their culture and language, and;

WHEREAS there has been interest in establishing land-based programs such as those in the Attawapiskat, Kashechewan Territories and the Naywayeg Centre in the Moose Cree Te1Titory which have encountered difficulties in accessing funding, and;

WHEREAS resolution no. 1996-09-05, Youth Healing, Rediscovery, and Rebuilding recognized the need to have Mushkegowuk youth prepared in mind, body and spirit to take on leadership roles in the future and resolution 2002-08-30, Reaffirmation and Recognition of Mushkegowuk Youth

Resolution No. 2002-09-30, Page 2

recognized the strengths and aspirations of Mushkegowuk youth and reaffirmed the commitment to support, embrace and further the aspirations of the youth.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mush.kegowuk Chiefs in Assembly support the establishment of a regional cultural/healing camp for youth, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Chiefs in Assembly direct the Mushkegowuk Executive to lobby for funding for the capital and operational budgets required.