Resolution Number: 2003-09-28Support For Jules Mattinas Healing Lodge
2003-09-28 EXCERPT:

Mushkegowuk Council 1 ath Annual Assembly

Resolution No. 2003-09-28

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Christopher Kataquapit, Delegate

Attawapiskat First Nation

Gisele Kataquapit, Delegate Fort Albany First Nation

Adopted by Consensus

Certified copy of a Resolution Passed on September 11, 2003


WHEREAS the Jules Mattinas Healing Lodge was established in Attawapiskat to provide solvent abuse treatment services to young people in the Mushkegowuk and NAN territories;

WHEREAS the Jules Mattinas Healing Lodge has experienced and continues to experience difficulties in fulfilling its mandate due to insufficient funding from the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy namely in the areas of funding for adequate operations, staff accommodation, road access and in addressing its capital fund requirements;

WHEREAS the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy does not recognize the higher cost of living and unique needs in northern remote communities;

WHEREAS the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy impose restrictive guidelines affecting the ability of the Jules Mattinas Healing Lodge to provide culturally appropriate and effective programming.

September 11, 2003

Chapleau, Ontario

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Chiefs in Assembly

Resolution No. 2002-09-28, Page 2

fully supports the Jules Mattinas Healing Lodge in securing adequate funding from the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy;

BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED that the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy is hereby urged to work with the Attawapiskat First Nation in developing more flexible guidelines to allow the Jules Martinas Healing Lodge to be more effective in providing much needed services to youth and their family units who suffer greatly as a result of solvent abuse.