Resolution Number: 2007-06-03Mushkegowuk Election Code 2007
2007-06-03 EXCERPT:

Attawapiskat First Nation

First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Mushkegowuk Council Special Assembly

Cheryl Macumber, Delegate Missanabie Cree First Nation

Reg Fletcher, Proxy Chapleau Cree First Nation

Two (2) abstentions: Jackie Fletcher, Missanabie Cree Chief Andrew Solomon, Fort Albany

Certified copy of a resolution passed on June 4, 2007

June 4, 2007

Cochrane, Ontario

Resolution No. 2007-06-03

Mushkegowuk Election Code 2007

WHEREAS the people represented by the First Nations who are members of Mushkegowuk Council existed as self­governing Peoples and Nation; and

WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk people have existing aboriginal and treaty rights recognized and affirmed by section 35 of Canada's Constitution Act, 1982 in addition, the inherent right to govern ourselves; and

WHEREAS in 1997 the Mushkegowuk people in exercising their inherent right and jurisdiction took a historic step in the election of a Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief who are empowered by the Mushkegowuk people to speak on their behalf under the direction of the Chiefs; and

WHEREAS the objective of the Mushkegowuk Election Code is to clearly define and set out the electoral system of the Mushkegowuk Council specifically for the offices of the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief; and

WHEREAS an initial community consultation process was carried out in 2004 and completed in 2007 for the purpose of updating and clarifying the election procedures for presentation and discussion by this Mushkegowuk Special Assembly; and

Resolution No. 2007-06-03, Page 2

WHEREAS the people represented by the First Nations who are members of Mushkegowuk Council through Assembly Resolution have ratified the Mushkegowuk Council Election Code.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the revisions to the Mushkegowuk Election Procedures are hereby recognized, accepted and approved as the Mushkegowuk Election Code 2007.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Election Code 2007 become effective immediately and be implemented in the 2007 Mushkegowuk Council Election.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the declaration and affirmation of our Sovereignty and Nationhood, the Mushkegowuk Election Code is recognized as an affirmative step towards our vision in the development and implementation of our unique Mushkegowuk governance systems.