Resolution Number: 2007-09-09Support For Chapleau Cree Fn Biofibre Mapping
2007-09-09 EXCERPT:

Mushkegowuk Council 22nd Annual Assembly

Resolution No. 2007-09-09

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nat.ion

Fort Albany First Nation

Marjorie Cachagee-Lee, Proxy Chapleau Cree First Nation

Chief Patricia Faries-Akiwenzie

Moose Cree First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post

First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution Missanabie Cree passed on September 12, 2007

First Nation

September 12, 2007

Attawapiskat, Ontario

Support for Chapleau Cree First Nation Biofibre Mapping

WHEREAS the rights and interests of NAN communities continue to be under appreciated within Ontario's forest management planning and allocation process; and,

WHEREAS the Province of Ontario released a draft Forest Biofibre Policy in March 2007 that supports the use of unmarketable trees and portions of trees to generate greater economic development opportunities from emerging bio-product industries; and,

WHEREAS Ontario's draft policy specifically states that priority will be given to creating opportunities for Aboriginal peoples and communities; and,

WHEREAS it is easier for NAN First Nations to access forest resources that have not yet been allocated by the Crown than to attempt to negotiate fair access to forestry resources that have already been allocated to forestry companies; and,

WHEREAS full First Nation access to forest Biofibre representing a small portion of the value and potential of Ontario's forestry industry, is a reasonable step towards bringing greater equity to the way in which Aboriginal communities are granted fair and equal access to the economic benefits derived from Ontario's forests; and,

Resolution No. 2007-09-09, Page 2

WHEREAS the Wabun Tribal Council Chiefs in Assembly recently passed a resolution claiming full and unfettered access to all Biofibre within the territory of its member First Nations, whose position would be a strength in unity with other First Nation communities; and,

WHEREAS NAN resolution 07/02 claims full and unfettered access to Biofibre and commits to challenges headed by a member First Nation or group of member First Nations in support of protecting them full and unfettered; and

WHEREAS the Township of Chapleau recently submitted a proposal to the Province of Ontario regarding funding to undertake a Biofibre study in the Chapleau area, including land within the Chapleau Cree First Nation traditional territory;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chapleau Cree First Nation hereby claims a full and unfettered access to all Biofibre within its traditional territory; and,

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Chapleau Cree First Nation support the need for Chapleau area First Nations to take a partnership approach in support of advancing viable Biofibre related economic opportunities; and

FINALLY BE RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Assembly supports the Chapleau Cree First Nation in a traditional territory mapping exercise that will lead the development of inter-First Nation resource sharing agreements as a means of ensuring that a First Nation collective approach is taken to accessing resource opportunities.