Resolution Number: 2007-09-32Mushkegowuk Regional Crimestoppers Program
2007-09-32 EXCERPT:

First Nation

First Nation

Chief Jonathan Solomon

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany

First Nation

Deputy Chief Deborah Rickard,

Proxy, Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

New Post

First Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree Certified copy of a resolution First Nation passed on September 13, 2007

Mushkegowuk Regional Crimestoppers Program

WHEREAS due to the increase in unresolved violence and criminal related activities within our communities and the desire of the community members to assist the community policing services; and

WHEREAS the current provincial/national Crimestoppers Program presents barriers in respect to the Cree language and cultural differences;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs and Delegates in Assembly mandate the office of the Grand Chief and the Nishnawbe Aski Police Services to explore options for the development and establishment of a modified or a stand-alone Mushkegowuk Crimestoppers Program.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Crimestoppers Program provides its services in both Cree and English languages.

September 13, 2007

Attawapiskat, Ontario