Resolution Number: 2012-09-11Hi-level Project Management Training
2012-09-11 EXCERPT:

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree

First Nation

Taykwa Tagamou

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree

First Nation

Mushkegowuk Council 27th Annual Mamowihitowin

Lark Ritchie Chapleau Cree First Nation

Chief Derek Stephen Kashechewan First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on September 14, 2012

Resolution No. 2012-09-11

Hi-Level Project Management Training

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk need to take action with managing all aspects of our major and minor projects within our region; and

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk are urged to include a Project Management component within each project contract within their community,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk directs the Mushkegowuk Council to design a Hi­Level Project Management Skills Training Program, including the necessary mechanisms for inclusion in major and minor contracts in the Mushkegowuk First Nations.

September 14, 2012

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Resolution No. 2012-09-11