Resolution Number: 2015-01-21Mushkegowuk Healthcare
2015-01-21 EXCERPT:

Mushkegowuk Council 29th Annual Mamowihitowin

Resolution No. 2015-01-21

Mushkegowuk Healthcare

Accawapiskac First Nation

Chief Derek Stephen Kashechewan First Nation

Kashechewan First Nacion

Fore Albany First Nacion

Chief Andrew Solomon Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree

First Nacion

Taykwa Tagamou Nacion

Chapleau Cree First Nacion

Certified copy of a resolution passed on January 28, 2015

Missanabie Cree

First Nacion

WHEREAS the health needs of our people are a fundamental concern of the Mushkegowuk Nation;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs and Delegates of the 291h Annual Mamowihitowin:

reaffirm the fundamental priority of working to improve health programmes for the people in our Mushkegowuk territory, including working with the WAHA Board and the federal and provincial governments;

reaffirm the need to work to replace the present WAHIFA agreement with an agreement that is under the real control of the Chiefs and the Mushkegowuk people, and that is bas·ed on our rights and identity as Treaty people;

reaffirm past resolutions that the new hospital be located on Moose Factory Island and on federal or First Nation lands;

January 28, 2015

Kashechewan First Nation

reaffirm our strong desire to formally include Moose Cree First Nation as a partner with

other Mushkegowuk First Nations in health agreements;

reaffirm our strong desire to include Taykwa Tagamou Nation, Chapleau Cree First Nation and Missanabie Cree First Nation as members of any health agreements, as members of the Mushkegowuk Nation; and

reaffirm the need to include all people in our Mushkegowuk Territory in our Mushkegowuk health system, including Moosonee and Mocreebec, and Peawanuck.