Resolution Number: 2016-09-16Youth Representative On The Executive Of Mushkegowuk Council
2016-09-16 EXCERPT:

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Mushkegowuk Council 31st Annual Mamowihitowin

Gilbert Cheechoo Jr., Councillor Moose Cree First Nation

Leslie Nolan, Councillor Missanabie Cree First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on September 30, 2016

Resolution No. 2016-09-16

Youth Representative on the Executive of Mushkegowuk Council

WHEREAS the need for unity is apparent between Mushkegowuk Council and the First Nations within the region, and having a Youth representative at the Executive Council of the Mushkegowuk Council would be valuable in promoting unity; and

WHEREAS the Youth representative will lead by example by working together with all the Omushkego for a better quality of life for current and future generations; and

WHEREAS youth recognize and represent their respective First Nations, but this does not divide the Youth. We are unified as brothers and sisters through the struggles and challenges we face on a daily basis and so we can build up the sense of unity among the Youth and First Nations of the Mushkegowuk Region; and

WHEREAS the youth of Mushkegowuk Territory are hungry for change for ourselves and our First Nations as a whole, and are hopeful, optimistic and want to be the change they wish to see;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that priority be given to establishing a Youth Representative position within six months at the Mushkegowuk Executive level to work with and collaborate with the Youth Representatives and Youth Leaders of the First Nations in the Mushkegowuk region; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mushkegowuk staff make priority efforts to obtain funding to support such a position.