Resolution Number: 2017-09-09Support Of A Partnership With Cancer Care Ontario Cco To Implement Projects
2017-09-09 EXCERPT:

Mushkegowuk Council

32Annual Mamowihitowin

Resolution No. 2017-09-09

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany

First Nation

Moose Cree

First Nation

Taykwa Tagamou

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Joe Cheechoo, Elder

Moose Cree First Nation

Chief Leo Friday

Kashechewan First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on September 21, 2017

September 21, 2017

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Support of a Partnership with Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) to Implement Projects to Improve Cancer Services for Mushkegowuk Council Communities

WHEREAS, the Mushkegowuk Chiefs and Communities wish to empower the health and lifestyles of their citizens by ensuring their communities are healthy, and provide nurturing environments to all of their nation members

WHEREAS, the Mushkegowuk Chiefs and Communities recognize that First Nation members are affected by higher rates of certain cancers when compared with the general population.

WHEREAS, the Mushkegowuk Chiefs and Communities recognize the signing of a Relationship Protocol between the Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Cancer Care Ontario in August of 2014 as a significant step in addressing better health outcomes and lessening the burden of cancer in our communities.

WHEREAS, the Mushkegowuk Chiefs are aware that the membership lists from the Mushkegowuk Council communities are in the Indian Registry held by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (previously Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)

and were requested by Cancer Care Ontario to be included in the Cancer Care Surveillance Project which involves Cancer Care Ontario, the Institute of clinical and Evaluative Sciences and the Chiefs of Ontario.

WHEREAS, this Cancer Surveillance Project involves linking the Ontario portion of the Indian Registry to the Ontario Cancer Registry to develop an aggregate profile of the burden of cancer of all First Nations in Ontario.

WHEREAS, Cancer Care Ontario is keen to help increase the capacity of First Nations to measure and analyze the burden of cancer in their communities, and provide support to communities to better understand their data.

WHEREAS, the Cancer Care Ontario community cancer profile is a report that includes information on the number of cancers diagnosed among community residents, the number of people in the community who are living with cancer and a comparison to the general Ontario population.

WHEREAS, Cancer Care Ontario is capable of producing Screening Activity Report (SAR) by using data from its screening hub database to provide primary care providers with screening information on their patients.

WHEREAS, Cancer Care Ontario respects and upholds the sovereign

rights to First Nations and the authority conferred or mandated to their representative bodies.

WHEREAS, Cancer Care Ontario upholds the principles of Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAP) which flow from those rights, and mandates that First Nations have control over the collection, use and disclosure of information about their communities.

WHEREAS, the Mushkegowuk Chiefs recognize that Cancer Care Ontario possess the tools and information necessary for the development and implementation of cancer prevention and screening programs for ans in partnership with their communities.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs, hereby approve and support:

Allowing Cancer Care Ontario to provide a presentation on the Cancer Burden report to the Council of Chiefs (COC) either at a regular COC meeting or at the upcoming Assembly.

The development of a Community Cancer Profile for the Mushkegowuk Region (this requires explicit approval from the leadership)

The development of a Cancer Heat Map for the Mushkegowuk region as an interim tool before

creating the Screening Activity Reports for the communities.

The development of a business case with Cancer Care Ontario to advocate for creating a cancer care community position that stems from the chronic disease framework of Health Canada.

The exploration of the expansion of geography based Screening Activity Report (SAR) and data linkage opportunities to further develop community -based cancer screening reports and surveillance studies for the Mushkegowuk Region in collaboration with Cancer Care Ontario.

An agreement to build and grow the capacity of Oncology (Cancer) Services in the Region for the purpose of enhancing the patient experience.

The development of a recruitment plan for indigenous nurses for Mushkegowuk Council communities in partnership with the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association and Cancer Care Ontario.