Resolution Number: 2017-09-17Special Mushkegowuk Task Force For Healthier Communities
2017-09-17 EXCERPT:

Mushkegowuk Council

32Annual Mamowihitowin

Resolution No. 2017-09-17

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany

First Nation

Moose Cree

First Nation

Taykwa Tagarnou

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Deputy Chief Earl Cheechoo

Moose Cree First Nation

Chief Leo Friday

Kashechewan First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on September 21, 2017

September 21, 2017

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Special Mushkegowuk Task Force for Healthier Communities

WHEREAS the supply, demand and use of illegal drugs and alcohol continues to adversely affect the health and wellness of our communities, especially the well-being of our elders, children and the youth; and

WHEREAS the supply, demand and use of illegal drugs and alcohol is a main cause for the various crisis and declared states of emergencies that our communities are under; and

WHEREAS the Chiefs and delegates of this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk, on behalf of their communities want and demand direct action on reducing our pandemic caused by illegal drugs and alcohol; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk fully supports and approves the creation of a Special Mushkegowuk Task Force for Healthier Communities with a special focus on illegal drugs and alcohol, and strongly encourages all governments and organizations to support this major regional campaign; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk directs the Office of the Grand Chief to declares a state of emergency in the Mushkegowuk Region regarding a pandemic of illegal drugs and alcohol; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that support programs be provided for those suffering from mental illness that is a result of drug and alcohol abuse;and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk mandates the Office of the Grand Chief to provide all necessary support for the implementation of the Campaign Against Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Action Plan, on a priority basis.