Mushkegowuk Council 32nd Annual Mamowihitowin
Resolution No. 2017-09-25
Attawapiskat First Nation
Kashechewan First Nation
Fort Albany
First Nation
First Nation
Taykwa Tagamou
Chapleau Cree First Nation
Missanabie Crqe First Nation_'
Deputy Chief Earl Cheechoo
Moose Cree First Nation
Chief Leo Friday
Kashechewan First Nation
Certified copy of a resolution passed on September 21, 2017
September 21, 2017
Taykwa Tagamou Nation
First Nation Student Success Program (Omushkego Education Student Success)
WHEREAS, the Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk recognizes that the First Nation Student Success Program continues to provide important and valuable supports and services to students and educators in the First nation schools; and community; and
WHEREAS, the "First Nation Student Success Program Workplan" of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has I the past provided financial support to support the Omushkego Education Student Success program to our First nation schools in the Mushkegowuk communities; and
WHEREAS, the "First Nation Student Success Program" of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada provides financial support to provide all three components of the FNSSP in literacy, numeracy and student retention so that we may provide the most up-to-date and appropriate coordination and support services for all three components, including project management; sharing of information and best practices; training; specialist and technical support; monitoring; compliance; evaluation and reporting; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Omushkego Education, under the direction of the Mushkegowuk Council continue to participate in the First Nation Student Success Program.