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Resolution No. 2019-10-10

Review and Consolidation of Past Discussions and Projects on Justice in Mushkegowuk Territory

WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk Council has conducted previous discussions on justice issues and reforms within our communities, and research and information on the topic is archived, and;

WHEREAS a comprehensive review and consolidation of this information has not been conducted; and

WHEREAS it is in the interest of Mushkegowuk communities to conduct such a review and consolidation as it will provide clarity on what has been accomplished so far and it will identify areas that require further reforms; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Council will initiate a process of review and consolidation of available documents within the Council's archives on Justice issues affecting Mushkegowuk communities, as well as any documents that have been preserved by relevant community partners, such as community legal clinics, NAN legal, etc.

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