Resolution Number: 2019-10-15Mushkegowuk Homelessness Strategy
2019-10-15 EXCERPT:

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Mushkegowuk Council 34th Annual Mamowihitowin

Chief Leo Metatawabin Fort Albany First Nation

Seconded by: Chief David Nakogee Attawapiskat First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on October 25th , 2019

Resolution No. 2019-10-15

Mushkegowuk Homelessness Strategy

WHEREAS The city of Timmins is well known as the hub of the north for the Mushkegowuk communities; and

WHEREAS The Final Report on Homelessness, 2012 in Timmins conducted by Laurentian University suggested there were 720 people who identified themselves as homeless in varying categories (couch surfing, absolute homelessness, hidden homelessness, transient; and

WHEREAS On September 27-28, 2019, it was confirmed at the Timmins Homelessness Summit that 95% of people accessing the 20-bed Living Space Shelter on a nightly basis

WHEREAS it was further confirmed at the Timmins Homelessness Summit there is low visibility and voice for Indigenous persons at committee/board levels in the city of Timmins

October 252019

Attawapiskat First Nation

WHEREAS Strategic Planning occurred for the service providers at that Timmins Homelessness Summit where "early Interventions" were regarded as a high priority rather than "dealing with the racism and discrimination"; ranked the lowest of the priorities for their clientele despite 95% of their clients possessing Indigenous ancestry

WHEREAS cultural competency is a priority learning need for service providers in Timmins to mitigate barriers and racism often associated with homelessness

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk mandates the Mushkegowuk Council's Executive to work with appropriate governments and service providers develop and implement a Mushkegowuk Homelessness Strategy for our members residing in northern urban centres who are at risk for homeless and who are currently homeless to have access to transitional housing, access to housing supports, seamless transitions to permanent and affordable housing, and finally opportunities to socio-economic inclusion to improve their overall quality of life.