Resolution Number: 2019-10-20Establishing A First Nation Technical Health Advisory Council
2019-10-20 EXCERPT:

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

Taykwa Tagarnou Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Chief Mervin Cheechoo

Moose Cree First Nation

Chief David Nakogee

Attawapiskat First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on October 25th , 2019

Resolution No. 2019-10-20

Establishing a First Nation Technical Health Advisory Council

WHEREAS, the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs have consistently affirmed that the health and wellbeing of our people is a fundamental concern of our First Nations;

WHEREAS, in 2015, this Council of Chiefs stated that the Weeneebayko Area Health Integration Framework Agreement (WAHi FA) has "turned out to be a major failure in various important ways, including in failure of governance, level of services, and financial deficits and inadequate funding, and as a result a new arrangement and agreement is necessary";

WHEREAS, recently Ontario has proposed a new health care approach in Ontario Health Teams which, if adopted or implemented in the Mushkegowuk territory, has the potential to significantly affect our health care programs and services in unknown ways;

WHEREAS, Mushkegowuk and Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) are also developing new approaches to health care programs and services, and our First Nations need to better understand these proposals and also provide comments from a technical health and community-specific perspective;

October 252019

Attawapiskat First Nation

WHEREAS, Moose Cree First Nation is not a signatory to WAHIFA and has been engaged in bilateral health discussions with Canada about a Treaty-based approach to revitalizing health care governance and services and nothing in this Resolution is meant to preclude or prejudice those discussions in any way;

WHEREAS, there is a need for greater information sharing, First Nation input, and advice regarding how to manage the health programs and services in our First Nation communities on an interim basis while these new arrangements and agreement to replace WAHIFA are developed;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Assembly of Chiefs establish a First Nation Technical Health Advisory Council to:

investigate the health programs, services, and proposals currently being developed or proposed for our Mushkegowuk territory, including by Ontario, Mushkegowuk, and NAN;

investigate the health needs of our people, including our shared needs and any community-specific needs for each of our First Nations; and

provide advice and recommendations to the First Nation Chiefs regarding health initiatives currently under development or proposed for the Mushkegowuk Territory and ways to better meet the health and wellbeing needs of our people that is aligned with this Assembly's resolutions on health.

Chiefs to appoint a technical representative to the First Nation Technical Health Advisory Council, including Weenusk First Nation;

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT nothing in this Resolution is intended to, or will be interpreted to, prevent or constrain any individual First Nation from pursuing its own discussions, proposals, or agreements regarding the health and wellbeing needs of their community.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the First Nation Technical Health Advisory Council will be made up of health experts and technical staff with the traditional knowledge, skills and experience in areas of health and wellbeing of our First Nation communities. It is open to any member of this Assembly of