Resolution Number: 2019-10-33Omnibus Resolution For Support And Process Resolutions
2019-10-33 EXCERPT:

Mushkegowuk Council 34th Annual Mamowihitowin

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Chief Leo Friday

Kashechewan First Nation

Deputy Chief Les Nolan, Proxy Missinabie Cree First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on October 25th , 2019

Resolution No. 2019-10-33

Omnibus Resolution for support and process resolutions

WHEREAS The following process and support resolutions are supported by all delegates of the Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegwowuk;

Appointment of the Mamowihitowin Co-chairs -2019-10-01

Acceptance of Agenda -2019-10-02

2018-2019 Financial Audit -2019-10-03

Appointment of KPMG LLP as Auditors -2019-10-04

Mushkegowuk Election Code -2019-10-05

Resolution Pertaining to Mushkegowuk Council on WJBTN Board of Directors 2019-10-09

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED fuŁ this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkego adopt and pass these resolutions as presented.

October 25, 2019

Attawapiskat First Nation

Motion# 2019-10-33