Resolution Number: 2021-11-18Mushkegowuk Task Force For Healthier Communities
2021-11-18 EXCERPT:

Attawapiskat First Nation

Kashechewan First Nation

Fort Albany First Nation

Moose Cree First Nation

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Mushkegowuk Council 35th Annual Mamowihitowin

Chief Jason Gauthier Missanabie Cree First Nation

Seconded by: Chief Gaius Wesley Kashechewan First Nation

Certified copy of a resolution passed on November 25, 2021

November 25, 2021

Sault Ste. Marie, ON

Resolution No. 2021-11-18

Mushkegowuk Task Force for Healthier Communities

WHEREAS the increased high rates of premature death and the mental health distress within our Nation confirms that our Opioid Pandemic has intensified for many reasons that include, increased demand, supply and use of dangerous illegal drugs and alcohol, the Global COVID 19 Pandemic, and our existing active declared States of Emergencies for the following; high rates of suicide (2010), housing crisis (2011), illegal drugs and alcohol (2017), COVID 19 and High Water (2019); and

WHEREAS acknowledging that the investments and actions taken by all levels of government for our Opioid Pandemic has made some community improvements and has saved some lives, however, the real-life conditions on the ground in our communities demonstrate that the Opioid Pandemic is evolving, winning the war and continuing on its destructive path; and

WHEREAS it is very clear to the Chiefs and delegates of this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk that the Global COVID 19 Pandemic intensified our Opioid Pandemic, increased our mental health distress to dangerous levels, destroying the lives of our innocent beautiful children and elders,

destroying healthy families, increased criminal activity, impacting efforts to build healthier communities, and changing our Cree way of life; and

WHEREAS the Chiefs and delegates of the 2017 Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk approved the creation of a Special Mushkegowuk Task Force for Healthier Communities with a mandate to implement a campaign that reduces the pandemic cased by illegal drugs and alcohol, in collaboration with all governments, service providers and partners; and

WHEREAS in response to the 2017 declared state of emergency for the Opioid Pandemic, the Government of Canada provided funding support to the Mushkegowuk Council for the Task Force to operate during the fiscal years 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and for this current fiscal year (2021/22) our funding proposals to operate the Task Force was not approved; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that after 3 years of implementing a regional coordinated campaign against illegal drugs and alcohol, it is very clear to the Chiefs and delegates of this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk that our Task Force for Healthier Communities has become a recognized regional Task Force that continues to make some progress and change; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Chiefs and delegates of this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk fully supports the continued operation of the Mushkegowuk Special Task Force for Healthier Communities and calls on the Federal and Provincial governments to provide annual funding support for the operation of Mushkegowuk Task Force for Healthier Communities.