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RESOLUTION NO. 2000-08-08


WHEREAS we as Mushkegowuk have since time immemorial founded our society on the importance of families and have strongly relied on parents to develop the character and values of our children and to transmit our heritage and values;

WHEREAS the important role of families and parenting in Mushkegowuk conmrnrutles has been damaged by decades of non-native government interference through compulsory residential school attendance, Young Offender legislation, provincial interference with First Nation child welfare traditions, the recent parental responsibility legislation and other means;

WHEREAS the expenence of some Mushkegowuk conununities with youth abuse of gasoline and solvents is partly a result of shortcomings in our parenting;

WHEREAS increased use of policing, legislation and by-laws, and penalties cannot replace effective parenting;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Assembly recognize and affirm the imporiance of positive and effective parenting in Mushkegowuk Territory.

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