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Resolution No. 2009-08-23

Resource Developments in Mushkegowuk Territory

WHEREAS we the Mushkegowuk people have since time immemorial lived on the Mushkegowuk Territory given to us by the Creator for us to use, protect and share, and our children will be living on these lands far into the future; and

WHEREAS there are increasing pressures for development of our lands and resources; and

WHEREAS it is our desire to protect our land and the future of Mushkegowuk children, and to allow developments if they proceed with our consent, and if they include revenue-sharing and a degree of our control, and are environmentally respectful;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we Mushkegowuk people reaffirm our commitment to the ancestral homelands given to us by the Creator, for us to protect, use, and share wisely;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that resources and other developments in our traditional territory and homeland by private and governmental developers are unacceptable if they proceed

without our consent, and that such developments are subject to the principles of revenue-sharing and shared control;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that our political leadership and staff and legal advisors are directed to continue to prepare and implement strategies and measures to defend the lands the Creator gave us, of which we are stewards;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Grand Chief be authorized and directed to send to existing and potential proponents of resource and other developments in our territories the attached letter explaining the Mushkegowuk position, and to place ads in various newspapers and publications of a similar notice.

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