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Resolution No. 2011-09-08

Housing Crisis in Mushkegowuk First Nations

WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk First Nation communities continue to face a housing crisis that continues to plague all our member First Nations with no immediate resources available to help deal with this region-wide crisis; and

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk historically shared our ancestral lands of the Mushkegowuk Territory with the people of Ontario and Canada in exchange for promises of support and assistance; and

WHEREAS, despite the sharing of Mushkegowuk ancestral lands, and despite the past promises . of governments many Omushkegowuk have never had access to the quality of housing enjoyed. by most others in Ontario and Canada; and

WHEREAS the development of generic and underfunded strategies based on framework of existing government policies that try to encompass all First Nations have not been effective because of the unique housing needs of every First Nation; and

WHEREAS Canadians as a whole have come to enjoy and expect a house for 2.5 persons per household on average, while our northern Mushkegowuk communities are overcrowded to the point of averaging more than 6 persons perhouse;and

WHEREAS the majority of houses being used in northern Mushkegowuk territories are not only overcrowded, but are also by official technical standards "uninhabitable", or have major structural and plumbing/wiring deficiencies, and many are serious safety hazards; and

WHEREAS families forced to live in substandard housing conditions of great overcrowding and serious disrepair are suffering increased health problems among infants and young children, and greater social stress for mothers and families, and a loss of hope for the future, all of which contribute to numerous unnecessary social handicaps and difficulties including suicide among our families and especially youth; and

WHEREAS the governments of Canada and Ontario by their failure to keep their commitments to the Mushkegowuk people are condemning half a generation of Mushkegowuk children to a childhood of under privilege and a future of disadvantage; and

WHEREAS houses in Mushkegowuk territories continue to be uninhabitable by official standards and should be immediately condemned and replaced,

but are still being used by families who have no other choice; and

WHEREAS many houses in Mushkegowuk territories require immediate major repair and renovation to meet basic standards, but are presently being used in that condition by families who see no hope for repairs, because they have no other choice, even when they have critical medical concerns; and

WHEREAS Attawapiskat First Nation has five families living in tent frame structures which do not have the resources of running water and hydro; and

WHEREAS there is an immediate need to develop a Mushkegowuk Housing strategy or policy and to explore ways to improve the housing crisis by examining alternatives and funding;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk hereby recognize that the housing conditions of the northern Mushkegowuk continue to violate basic Canadian and international standards ' and therefore declare a "State of Emergency" on housing conditions in the Mushkegowuk territory, with high priority be given to the community of Attawapiskat First Nation for the five families currently living in tent frames;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs be directed to politically lobby for immediate funding to assist the five

families in dire need of adequate homes; and

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