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Resolution No. 2011-09-16

Regional Woman's Council

WHEREAS Mushkegowuk Mamowihitowin by Resolution No. 2006-09-31 recognized the efforts of women to ensure that women's issues of concern are addressed and fully supported in the creation of a regional women's association; further to support the development of a proposal to acknowledge women's presence in partnership with local Chief and Councils and with other regional organizations; and

WHEREAS there is an increasing recognition of the importance for women to have a voice in addressing social family issues, community changes and growth; to encourage women to be more involved in leadership roles; and to ensure the views and needs of Mushkegowuk women are represented fairly;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk direct Mushkegowuk Council to take the initiative in establishing a Regional Women's Council.

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